Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA, Macros) when used with Microsoft Excel can build powerful automated business tools quickly and with minimum cost. We provide the most advanced and professional corporate training in VBA macros for excel If you sit in front of a computer screen all day creating reports in Microsoft Excel, you know the power of this software package. But if you aren’t using macros yet, you don’t know the half of it. They automate common and repetitive keystrokes that you use in Excel to create and edit spreadsheets. By reducing the number of keystrokes required to perform common commands, macros speed up your production and reduce the time you have to spend staring at an electronic spreadsheet each day. VBA, a general purpose programming language, that comes along as standard with the Excel or Office can be used to perform various business tasks like-
Automate Report Generation
Automate Chart creation
Creating Dashboards
Communicating with MS Access Databases
Analyzing Business Data
Reconciling Data
Create our Own Functions
Prerequisites for attending the corporate VBA training programme:
Good Knowledge of all features of Excel such as Advanced Filters, Pivot Tables, Text to Columns etc.
Good knowledge of Fundamental and advanced Formulae and Functions in Excel
Must have worked on applications using Excel for atleast 1 year
Good Analytical Skill and Numerical ability is an advantage
- What is VBA?
- Quick Review of Macros
- Using the Visual Basic Editor
- Uses of Record Macro
- Understanding and creating Modules
- How to create a Message Box
- Write program to update and retrieve information using Input Box
- Conditions (IF, AND, OR etc.)
- Understanding and using Select Case statement
- How do I define a Variables and Rules for defining a Variable Name and Type
- Creating And Using Variables
- Working with For …. Next procedure
- Working with Do While …. Loop procedure
- Calling Procedures from one procedure to another
How to Save and Protect Modules
- Create or Add Single and Multiple Workbooks
- Workbooks Save and Save As with Password
- Open Single and Multiple Workbooks
- Close Specific and Multiple Workbooks
- Get Count of Workbooks
- To refer a particular Workbooks
- Activate from one Workbook to another Workbook
- Open Workbooks from Specific Path
- Get Workbooks Name and Path
- Hide and Unhide for Single and Multiple Workbooks
- Calculate entire Workbook
Protect and Unprotect Worksheets
- Insert a Single and Multiple Worksheets
- Delete Specific and Multiple Worksheets
- Get Count of Worksheets
- Select a Specific and All Worksheets
- Get All Worksheets Name
- Hide and Unhide for Single and Multiple Worksheets
- Rename for Single and Multiple Worksheets
- Protect and Unprotect Worksheets
- Sort and Move Worksheets
Calculate entire Worksheet
- Insert single and multiple Row, Column and Cells
- Delete single and multiple Row, Column and Cells
- Get Range or Address of Cell and Selection
- Navigate from one Cell to another Cell
- Select specific Range, Cell, Rows and Column
- Types of Selection and Offset method
- All the Options in Paste Special
- All the Options in Go To
- How to update the Formulas
- Create New Pivot, Refersh and Other Pivot Opotions
- All the Filter and Advance Filter Options
- Data Sort Options
- All Text to Columns Options
- All Data Formatting Options
- Fill, Clear, Find and Replace Options
Preparation of Chart and Dashboard
Files Automations real time scenarios
VBA Sample Project Report preparation
- What is Function?
- User Defined Function
- Create a Function using IF Condition and Select Case
- Create an Advanced IF Conditional Fuctions
- Create an Advanced Computation and Conditional Function
Files Automations real time scenarios
VBA Sample Project Report preparation